Woodwind Quintet

1920-1930 Quintets – Chronology & Composer Index

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Chronology of Posts (19 total)

1. Woodwind Quintets in the Roaring Twenties – Intro

  • The original seven composers in our 2016 list
  • What caused this surge in composing for woodwind quintets?

2. Woodwind Quintets of 1920 (with Prelude)

  • Prelude
  • News Highlights of 1920
  • Henri Marèchal – “Air du guet”
  • Lodewijk Mortelmans – Eenzame Herder – Berger Solitair

3. 1921 – Roaring 20s Woodwind Quintets

  • News Highlights of 1921
  • Karl Heinrich David – Suite (1921)
  • Kaspar Heinrich Schmid – Woodwind Quintet in B-flat Major, Op. 28

4. 1922 – Roaring 20s Woodwind Quintets

  • 1922 News Highlights
  • Raymond Charpentier – Quintet
  • Carl Futterer – Bläserquintett in B-flat Major
  • Jean Marcel Labey – Suite Champêtre, Op. 24
  • Erwin Lendvai – Quintett, Op. 23

5. Towards a New Type of Woodwind Quintet – Paul Hindemith and his Kleine Kammermusik, Op. 24, No. 2

6. The Ineffable Quality of Being Danish – Carl Nielsen and his Quintet

7. 1923 – Roaring Twenties Quintets — Three Quintets you Probably Never Head of

  • 1923 News Highlights
  • Hans Eisler Divertimento, Op. 4
  • Carl Hillmann – Capriccio, Op. 56
  • Ludwig Weber – Bläserquintett

8. Arnold Schoenberg and the Quintet Designed for a Revolution

9. Theodore Blumer — The Steadfast Romanticist — Quintet, Op. 52 & Tanz-Suite, Op. 53

10. 1924 Roaring Twenties Woodwind Quintets

  • Joseph-Guy Marie Ropartz

11. 1925 Roaring Twenties Quintets

  • 1925 News Highlights
  • Hermann Ambrosius – Suite in B Minor, Op. 57
  • Max Butting – Ein Spiel, Op. 30
  • Jaroslav Kvapil – Quintett Nr. 1 in F Minor
  • Kurt von Schwake – Quintett in F Major
  • Henri Tomasi – Variations sur un thème corse & other works

12. 1926 – Roaring Twenties Woodwind Quintets

  • 1926 News Highlights
  • Franz Ippisch – Wind Quintet
  • Daniel Gregory Mason – Divertimento, Op. 26b
  • Antal Molnar – Quintet, Op. 16

13. Fernândez and the Rainforest Quintet – Suite para quintetto de instrumentos de sopro

14. 1927 Woodwind Quintets

  • 1927 News Highlights
  • Kurt Beythien – Quintett in F Major, Op. 7
  • Giorgio Nataletti – Blaserquintett
  • Knudage Riisager – Musik für Bläserkvintet, Op. 16
  • Charles Stainer – Scherzo, Op. 27

15. Heitor Villa Lobos and His Woodwind Quintet

16. 1928 – Roaring Twenties Woodwind Quintets

  • 1928 News Highlights
  • Nicolai Berezowsky – Suite No. 1, Op. 11 (1928)
  • Emil František Burian– Variationen über ein Volkslied (1928) and Vier Stücke für Bläserquintett (1929)
  • Roberto Gerhard– Wind Quintet (1928)
  • Mary (Carlisle) Howe– Suite for Wind Quintet (1928)
  • Karel Boleslav Jirák– Wind Quintet, Op. 34 (1928)
  • Paul Juon– Quintet, Op. 84 (1928)
  • Edward Moritz– Quintett, Op. 41 (1928)
  • Julius Röntgen– Serenade (1928)
  • František Suchý, Brnensky (of Brno) – Bläserquintett, Op. 5 (1928)

17. 1929 – Roaring Twenties Woodwind Quintets

  • 1929 News Highlights◦
  • Henk Badings – Wind Quintet No. 1 (1929)
  • Pavel Haas – Wind Quintet, Op. 10 (1929)
  • Szymon Laks – Quintet (1929)
  • Willem Pijper– Quintet voor blazers, K. 80 (1929)
  • Miroslav Ponc– Tri veselé kresby (Three Merry Drawings) (1929)
  • Thomas Wood – The Brewhouse at Bures (1929)

18. Jacques Ibert, the Conservative Revolutionary

19. 1930 and the End of the Roaring 20s

  • 1930 News Highlights
  • Matija Bravnicar – Bläserquintett Nr. 1 (1930)
  • Yvonne Desportes – Prelude, Variations and Finale on a Gregorian Chant (1930)
  • Alvin Etler – Four Impressions (1930)
  • Filip Kutev – Woodwind Quintet (1930)
  • Guillaume Louis Frederic Landré – Kwintet (1930)
  • Bohuslav Martinů – Quintet (1930)
  • Josip Slavenski – Duhacki kvintet (Wind Quintet) (1930)
  • Gustav Strube – Quintet (1930)
  • Edith Swepstone – Quintet (1930)
  • Felix Zrno – Cestou (On the Way) (1930)

Epilogue to the Series

Index of Composers in the Series

Ambrosius, Hermann – Suite in B Minor, Op. 57 (1925)

Badings, Henk – Wind Quintet No. 1 (1929)

Berezowsky, Nicolai – Suite No. 1, Op. 11 (1928)

Beythien, Kurt – Quintett in F Major, Op. 7 (1925-1927)

Blumer, Theodore – Quintett für Blasinstrumente, Op. 52 & Tanz-Suite, Op. 53

Bravnicar, Matija – Bläserquintett Nr. 1 (1930)

Burian, Emil František – Variationen über ein Volkslied (1928) and Vier Stücke für Bläserquintett (1929)

Butting, Max – Ein Spiel, Op. 30 (1925)

Charpentier, Raymond – Quintette (1922)

David, Karl Heinrich David – Suite (1921)

Desportes, Yvonne – Prelude, Variations and Finale on a Gregorian Chant (1930)

Eisler, Hans – Divertimento, Op. 4 (1923)

Etler, Alvin – Four Impressions (1930)

Fernandez, Oscar Lorenzo – Suite para quintetto de instrumentos de sopro, or Suite in F Major, Op. 37 (1926)

Futterer, Carl – Bläserquintett in B-flat Major (1922)

Gerhard, Roberto – Wind Quintet (1928)

Haas, Pavel – Wind Quintet, Op. 10 (1929)

Hillmann, Carl – Capriccio, Op. 56 (1923)

Hindemith, Paul – Kleine Kammermusik, Op. 24

Howe, Mary – Suite for Wind Quintet (1928)

Ibert, Jacques – The Conservative Revolutionary — Ibert and the Impact of Three Tiny Theatre Pieces

Ippisch, Franz – Wind Quintet (1926)

Jirák, Karel Boleslav – Wind Quintet, Op. 34 (1928)

Juon, Paul – Quintet, Op. 84 (1928)

Kutev, Filip – Woodwind Quintet (1930)

Kvapil, Jaroslav – Quintett Nr. 1 in F Minor (1925)

Labey, Marcel – Suite Champêtre (1922)

Laks, Szyman – Quintet (1929)

Landry, Guillaume – Kwintet (1930)

Lendvai, Erwin – Quintett, Op. 23 (1922)

Marèchal, Henri – “Air du guet” (1920)

Martinu, Bohuslav – Quintet (1930)

Mason, Daniel Gregory – Divertimento, Op. 26b (1926)

Molnár, Antal – Quintet, Op. 16 (1926)

Moritz, Edvard – Quintett, Op. 41 (1928)

Mortelmans, Lodewijk – Eenzame Herder (1920)

Nataletti, Giorgio – Blaserquintett (1927)

Nielsen, Carl – Quintet

Pijper, Willem – Quintet voor blazers, K. 80 (1929)

Ponc, Miroslav Tri veselé kresby (Three Merry Drawings) (1929)

Riisager, Knudage – Musik für Bläserkvintet, Op. 16 (1927)

Röntgen, Julius – Serenade (1928)

Ropartz, Joseph-Guy Marie – Deux Pièces pour quintette à vent (1924)

Schmid, Kaspar Heinrich – Woodwind Quintet in B-flat Major, Op. 28 (1921)

Schoenberg, Arnold – Quintet, Op. 26

Slavenski, Josip – Duhacki kvintet (Wind Quintet) (1930)

Stainer, Charles – Scherzo, Op. 27 (1927)

Strube, Gustav – Quintet (1930)

Suchý, František – Bläserquintett, Op. 5 (1928)

Swepstone, Edith – Quintet (1930)

Tomasi, Henri – Variations sur un thème corse (1925)

Villa-Lobos, Heitor – Quinteto em Forma de Choros (1928)

Von Schwake, Kurt – Quintett in F Major (1925)

Weber, Ludwig – Bläserquintett (1923)

Wood, Thomas – The Brewhouse at Bures (1929)

Zrno, Felix – Cestou (On the Way) (1930)

2 thoughts on “1920-1930 Quintets – Chronology & Composer Index”

  1. Hello, I’m leaving a comment because I couldn’t find a contact email on the website. I came across your site today and was blown away by the resource you’ve created! I created my own reed trio list and have quite a few works that aren’t on yours (and you have quite a few I’ll need to add to mine!). I’d love to get into contact to share them with you. Thanks!

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